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Our Partners

Find out how our current Heart Nottingham partners support the most vulnerable people in our city, and where there is opportunity for you to be involved.

Heart Nottingham

Emmanuel House


Emmanuel House is a faith based project in Hockley that exists to support homeless, vulnerably housed and isolated adults in and around Nottingham. They do this by providing meals, access to clothes, support into housing, addiction recovery and employment. Heart Nottingham hosts a monthly evening meal for their service users. This includes preparing and serving a meal, and hosting a great evening for the Emmanuel House service users.


2nd Tuesday of every month.

Roles and required commitment:

Volunteers are involved in preparing and serving the meal and there is opportunity to play games and chat with the service users.

Heart Nottingham

Open Homes


Open Homes provides temporary emergency accommodation for 16-25 year olds facing homelessness by utilising spare rooms in the homes of trained volunteers. This provides early intervention in a crisis for young people who have been made homeless by family breakdown, have left home because they don't feel safe or are victims of domestic violence, and bridges the gap between street homelessness and hostel or supported accommodation, keeping them in education and employment.


Placements take place every day of the week and are arranged entirely to fit around your existing commitments, offering you a way to change a life without having to change your life.

Roles and required commitment:

If you have a spare room, you can volunteer as a host; all training is provided. You can also volunteer as a driver.

Heart Nottingham

Jericho Road Project


The Jericho Road Project aims to bring hope and restoration to those affected by the sex industry in Nottinghamshire.

Roles and required commitment:

The Jericho Road Project have volunteering opportunities across all areas of their work, including outreach (both on street and off street), befriending and prison visiting as well as help with IT support, driving the outreach minibus, prayer team and traybake team. Please be aware that all direct contact roles are open to females only; non-direct contact roles open to both male and females.

Heart Nottingham

Safe Families


Safe Families have an ambitious vision to see thousands of local Christians across the UK offering hope, belonging and support to their community’s most vulnerable children, families and care leavers. This happens through offering friendship and support when families are overwhelmed by life’s circumstances.

Roles and required commitment:

There are three key volunteer roles within Safe Families, each with differing levels of required commitment. These are Host Family, Family Friend, Resources.

Heart Nottingham

100 Homes


Inspiring people to consider the joy of getting involved in fostering and adoption. There are over 1500 children in the care system in Nottinghamshire and the Church has an incredible opportunity to play our part in bringing transformation to these young lives. The 100 Homes Campaign is a city wide, church led initiative in partnership with Nottingham City Council, working together to recruit 100 new foster families.


There are regular information and Q&A evenings throughout the year.

Heart Nottingham

Prison Ministry


Visiting local prisons, primarily HMP Nottingham, to run chapel services and support the inmates.


The first Sunday of every month.  Meeting at 8.15am for briefing, ready to start the service at 9am.  This will conclude at10am.

Roles and Required Commitment

Volunteers will be involved in running the services; praise and worship, praying, reading scripture and preaching as needed.  There will usually be an opportunity to engage with the in mates at the end of the service.  Current roles include musicians, singers and volunteers who are comfortable sharing a Word from the Bible.  Prior prison ministry experience is not a requirement as a full induction will be given by the ministry leaders.

No minimum commitment is required as you will join a pool of volunteers and can attend when you are available to do so.