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Joel Kaziro

Peter and the art of surrender


We heard last week about Mary's amazing response to God's plan. "OK!" Not "let's "find another way!" Peter, Jesus' first disciple's, response was not so amazing- sometimes neither is ours. Jesus knew God's plan was for Him to die whilst the Jews of His time were hoping for deliverance from Roman rule (Matt 16:13-16). Peter had revelation of Jesus as the Christ, God's anointed one, and as God himself in human form.

But Peter rejected God's plan and asserted his desired outcome. And Jesus rebuked Peter strongly, calling him "Satan". Sometimes God resists us when we reject His plan. Later, after Jesus' arrest Peter, knowing God's plan, Peter could not handle it denied knowing Jesus and fled (Matthew 26:73). God's response when Peter screws up... when we screw up?

After Jesus' resurrection (John 21:17-19) He goes where Peter is, reaffirms Peter's calling and looks forward to Peter's future ministry and martyrdom. Peter has learned surrender to God's will, God's way, God's plan. God builds His church on the foundation of Peters sermon in Acts 2:38-39.

It's the same with us. However we screw up, even if God resists us, after we fail- he finds us, and when we surrender to His will he leads us to the fulfilment of His, and our, purpose (which sometimes looks like failure- in Peter's case crucifixion, followed by an eternity in Christ's presence which was the fulfilment of God's plan in Christ).


  1. What stood out for you from this word?
  2. In what ways have you, do you, struggle to accept God's plan, His agenda for your life?
  3. What would surrender look like in your circumstance? To surrender agenda, your plan, your goals, your body, your life?


Christmas is coming! Why not ask your Life Group if they have thought about inviting someone to the Christmas Spectacular?

Coming Up

Young Adults Bible Study | 29 November | 7:30 | City Site
Baptism teaching | 27 November | 7:45 | Zoom
Christmas Spectacular | 11 December | 11am, 2pm, 5pm | KMC
Carol Service | 18 December | 10:30am | KMC Christmas Day Service | 10:30am | Online